Create a Quadrans Address¶
There are many different ways of creating a new Quadrans Address. They might use different tools and result in different feature and ways to use them. As an example some methods allow you to get access to the private key, other protect the address/wallet with a password, other might use a mnemonic list of words. Choose the method you will use accordingly with your needs.
Via gqdc commad line interface¶
Access the node via ssh. Be sure to use the quadrans user. Once in the bash use the following command. Be sure to enter the same password twice.
gqdc account new
Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
Repeat Passphrase:
Address: {168bc315a2ee09042d83d7c5811b533680531f67}
Via Web3¶
Go to the node socket folder and attach the cli to that socket.
For mainnet nodes:
cd /home/quadrans/.quadrans
For testnet nodes:
cd /home/quadrans/.quadrans/testnet
gqdc attach gqdc.ipc
once presented with the >
prompt use the following command to create the new account
Change passphrase with the password you will use later to unlock the wallet. Afther a few seconds the cli will output the new account address.
Create and address manually starting from the private key¶
This a rather unorthodox method but might be useful in some cases. Please remember that the private key of an address is the most important piece of information and must be kept safe and secret at all time or you might lose your cryptoassets or the access to your deployed smart contracts.
Create the private key file by generating 256 random bits in a file. You can pipe any data you want to the sha256sum function. Be sure to have excactly 64 bytes of data:
date | sha256sum | head -c 64 > priv.key
Use the import account function on the private key. The command will ask for a new password to protect the json file that will be generated (it will not protect the private key file)
gqdc account import priv.key
Your new account is locked with a password. Please give a password. Do not forget this password.
Repeat passphrase:
Address: {<your-new-address-here>}
At the end of the procedure you’ll find the new json file for the new address in the keystore directory. Be sure to backup the private key and/or the json file+password.
Note: Remember to delete the private key file from the node.